Meet A Need

While we can all agree this has been a challenging year, 2020 has been particularly difficult for older adults and their caregivers. COVID-19 continues to be most devastating to the health of older individuals and many are struggling, often alone, to stay healthy, safe, fed, and connected. In addition, emergency funds that provided thousands of home-delivered meals and other essential services have been exhausted. Unfortunately, local agencies like Aging Ahead, are left to make difficult decisions about the continued support they can provide.

Taking this information into account, along with our efforts to keep staff, volunteers and participants safe, we made the decision to put the Christmas Meal program on hold for 2020. In light of that, we are asking you to consider supporting another critical program this year to ensure the needs of older adults, like Mr. K. below, are not forgotten. 

At 78-years-old, Mr. K. was still working to provide for himself and his wife. In April, he contracted COVID-19 and is no longer able to work and requires surgery to address ongoing complications from the disease. The couple’s out-of-state daughter provided them with some financial support until she, too, lost her job. Mr. K. reached out to Aging Ahead for help with roundtrip transportation to the hospital for his surgery. With restrictions on the use of State and Federal dollars, we were unable to provide the $50 this couple needed for a safe ride, such as Uber or Lyft. Mr. K. and his wife used the only option available to them and took a bus to and from his surgery. 

Aging Ahead staff is all too familiar with gut-wrenching stories such as Mr. K.’s. As a result, we are launching a Meet-a-Need program designed to help address some of the critical needs older adults are now facing. The program, which is 100% dependent on donations, will offer staff the opportunity to respond to unmet needs such as medical transportation, utility expenses, minor home repairs, chore assistance, and beyond.

Can we count on you to deliver a difference to older adults like Mr. K. and make a donation to our Meet-a-Need program today? Thank you and please stay safe and healthy this holiday season!