Meals on Wheels

Since 1973, Aging Ahead has been delivering nutritious meals, friendly safety checks and access to resources that enable home bound older adults to live nourished lives with independence and dignity in St Louis, St Charles, Jefferson and Franklin Counties.

A hot nutritious noon-time meal that provides one-third of an adult’s daily nutritional requirement is delivered Monday-Friday by a trained volunteer or staff member. Meals are more than just a hot lunch. Volunteers who deliver the meal provide daily contact and “well-being” check for seniors who are alone during the day.

Meals on Wheels are provided on a short or long term basis to home-bound seniors 60 years or older, who are unable to prepare a nutritionally balanced meal for themselves and are unable to attend congregate meal sites at an Aging Ahead Community Location.

  • A request for services by senior, family member or community agency such as social services, hospitals or doctors.
  • Participants must be 60 years or older.
  • There are no financial eligibility requirements to be enrolled in the program.
  • A minimal voluntary donation is requested.

The right balance of nutrition daily helps seniors remain independent, every meal delivered through our Meals on Wheels program is from the five categories that make up the Title III-C Meal guidelines.

For many of the seniors, our volunteers are the only person they will come in contact with all day.

At every visit our volunteers do a “well-being” check when delivering the meal.  Family members and/or emergency personnel will be notified if there is a concern.

For Meals on Wheels questions, to apply for this service or to order Meals on Wheels, contact the administrator at your closest Community Location.

To access additional Aging Ahead programs, services,and aging information, contact one of our Community Options Specialists.

“Thanks to all of the wonderful people at Aging Ahead.  The home delivered meals are a good balanced diet and the volunteers who deliver are very nice.  Thanks for your love and for supporting those who are unable to cook for themselves.”
– Rose G., South County Meals on Wheels Participant