Winter weather is upon us and can be potentially hazardous as Missouri typically experiences periods of extreme cold during the winter. It is important to be prepared!
Missouri Department of Health and Senior Services is sharing a resource for you and our communities, an interactive map of warming center sites in Missouri, which is accessible to the public on the department’s website. It is mobile friendly and searchable by county. On the map, each warming center site indicates their address, phone number, hours of operation, whether the site is ADA accessible and if transportation is provided to the site.
It is important to remember that the extreme cold can affect everyone, but can be especially dangerous to small children, the elderly and the chronically ill. Warming centers provide a warm, safe place for people to go during cold weather. More cold weather resources can be found on their Hypothermia webpage.
Also remember that Aging Ahead Senior Centers are a great place to warm up and enjoy a meal, please check your center for hours of operation, meal reservations and activities.