Senior Day at the Missouri State Fair is August 14!
Join DHSS and the Missouri Area Agencies on Aging on Wednesday August 14 from 9 am to 3:00 pm, in the Mathewson Building on the Missouri State Fairgrounds. Senior Day festivities include FREE BINGO, line dance lessons, and much more! The dance contest, open to those aged 60+, has cash prizes for the top three…
Cleaning for Seniors: Tips to Get it Done
The thought of cleaning your home from top to bottom may feel overwhelming, but we’ve put together a few tips to take the tension out of the task. Declutter your medicine cabinet. Take stock of all your medications and prescriptions, including OTC items. Older or expired drugs dispose of them properly. Portion out your daily medications…
June Benefits Spotlight 2024
World Elder Abuse Awareness Day takes place each year on June 15 to help educate people about abuse and neglect of older adults. Missouri’s Adult Abuse and Neglect Hotline is available to report suspected abuse, bullying, neglect, and financial exploitation of older people. If you have concerns about an older adult call the hotline at…
Mesothelioma Resource Center 5-15-24
Seniors are living longer and having to face more challenges than before. A healthy lifestyle can help you deal with aging, protect you from cancer and keep you at your best. As average life expectancies increase, older adults are learning more about the cancers and other health risks that might affect them. In fact, age…
Effective Communication Strategies 5-7-24
An education program presented by the Alzheimer’s Association Communication is more than just talking and listening – it’s also about sending and receiving messages through attitude, tone of voice, and body language. As the disease progresses, individuals living with Alzheimer’s or other dementias lose the ability to use words, but families can find new ways…
Alzheimer’s Special Event Recording
Finding Joy in the Season – Join the Alzheimer’s Association for a virtual special event presented by Brenda Gurung. This program will be available virtually through Zoom on electronic device November 16- December 31, 2023. For families living with Alzheimer’s and other dementias, the holidays can be bittersweet and challenging. Festivities can agitate or confuse…
Alzheimer’s and Dementia Research Update Discussion
Join Alzheimer’s Association and Aging Ahead for a discussion on some of the latest research in the field of Alzheimer’s disease including new treatments. You will also learn more about local support services available to families and how you can help raise awareness in your community. Refreshments will be provided. When: Thursday, November 9th 11:30am-…
Older Adult Mental Health Awareness Day Symposium
Emmy Award Winner Montel Williams to Open Older Adult Mental Health Awareness Day Symposium Personal stories can change the conversation around sensitive and important topics. The National Council on Aging is honored to announce that Montel Williams will be the keynote speaker at this year’s Older Adult Mental Health Awareness Day Symposium, sharing his experiences…
Medicare and Advocates
Justice in Aging has published two fact sheets that provide basic information and tips for LGBTQ+ individuals with Medicare and their advocates: Marriage, Medicare, and Medicaid: What Same Sex Couples Need to Know, available in English and Spanish, discusses rules about Medicare coverage for spouses and treatment of spousal income for programs that affect Medicare…
Who Qualifies for Medicaid Expansion?
Please watch the short video and see if you or someone you know qualifies for Medicaid Expansion. Do I qualify for Medicaid now that it expanded from Health Literacy Media on Vimeo.