While it can be rewarding caring for a loved one, caregiving also can come with physical, financial, and emotional challenges.
Of particular concern is the struggle of the growing “sandwich” generation. This group is still raising their children while also caring for their aging parents or other older adults close to them, in effect “sandwiched” between the two groups.
According to research by AARP Public Policy Institute, there were approximately 792,000 caregivers in Missouri in 2013 providing unpaid care for an adult, valued at an estimated $8 billion. Nationally, unpaid caregiving was valued at $470 billion. This is more than the worth of Coca-Cola and Walmart combined.
“Being a caregiver costs more than just dollars and cents. There ‘s an emotional and physical cost, as well.”
-Chris, Community Options Specialist
Here are five tips we suggest to help alleviate potential challenges of caregiving.
Tip 1: Educate Yourself and Know Your Supports
Articles, videos, podcasts, support groups, and forums are all available online and can be an accessible option for caregivers unable to get away from home. Aging Ahead, is a valuable resource for those 60 and older. Aging Ahead has a resource line where you can speak with knowledgeable professionals for personalized information. We can assist you in accessing our agency services and other community resources to assist caregivers.
Tip 2: Take Care of Yourself So You Can Care for Your Loved One
Caregivers frequently forget to put themselves first. It can be difficult to acknowledge your own needs when your life begins to revolve around someone else’s. Often a predictor of nursing home placement isn’t the functional needs of the person receiving the care, it’s the collapse of the caregiver.
Tip 3: Learn About Care Options
As our culture recognizes the importance of receiving care in the least restrictive environment, more options become available. In-home support or adult day care services can give a caregiver a much-needed break. Knowing the difference between various levels of care, such as assisted living vs. skilled nursing, also gives people the power to choose the best fit for their situation.
For over four decades we have remained a constant source of information, resources and advocacy for dedicated caregivers.
Tip 4: Understand Insurance Coverage and Its Limitations
It can be difficult to navigate the world of health insurance. Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans Benefits, private coverage, and the marketplace all have their own unique qualifications and limits. Before choosing the best care options, it is important to research what your insurance does and does not cover.
Tip 5: Utilize Assistance Programs
Caregiving can be an expensive undertaking. Benefits programs at the state and federal levels are available to help lessen the financial burden. It may be worthwhile for caregivers to consider prescription assistance program, such as Social Security’s Extra Help, or energy assistance such as LIHEAP. There is even a Shared Tax Credit program managed by the state for certain qualifying caregivers.
Aging Ahead strives to improve the quality of life for caregivers, which in-turn allows families to continue providing care for their loved ones as long as possible. Aging Ahead Family Caregiver Support Program is provided on a voluntary contribution basis and can be arranged by contacting a Community Options Specialist.
For more information about these tips or additional resources, please contact a Community Options Specialist: 800-243-6060.