Category: Newsletter
What does it mean to be an Essential Services Provider?
Essential can certainly mean different things to different people. The dictionary defines essential as “absolutely necessary,” “extremely important,” “crucial.” The role of the Area Agencies on Aging in the time of any crisis is absolutely essential. The services provided are crucial to the sustained safety and well-being of the populations we commit to serve. The…
CHOICE Sponsorship Providing Enriched Classes
Aging Ahead does not have a budget to pay presenters and has always relied on the willingness of partners to provide educational presentations at no cost. We wanted to find a way to include topics that we did not have access to before in our Choice schedule for 2020. With our recent Choice Sponsor pilot…
Census 2020
April 1st is Census Day, and here’s everything you need to know about the census, and why completing it matters to your community! What is the census? The census is a short survey that provides an official count of the United States’ population. The Constitution requires the federal government to collect census data every 10…
Personal Care Closet
The Community Options and Services (COS) Department is proud to announce the grand opening of the Jefferson/Franklin Personal Care Closet in January 2020. This project is the brainchild of Community Options Specialists Jennifer Meyer and Jessica Crawford. The closet currently serves home-delivered meal clients in both Jefferson and Franklin counties who need personal care products….
REAL ID, Do I need one?
It may seem like more than enough time, but you now have less than 8 months to get your REAL ID compliant driver license or ID card from the state of Missouri! State officials are encouraging residents not to wait until the last minute to apply for their Missouri REAL-ID. What is REAL ID? A…
Humblebrag Bob Borders
Bob Borders, a dedicated Meals on Wheels delivery volunteer from Lemay, turned 80 on August 29th. A big birthday for anyone, Bob knew his family would throw him a big party. He asked his friends and family that in lieu of gifts, they donate to the Aging Ahead meal program. Bob has been delivering meals…
Hope Crafters
Affton Senior Center Spreading Joy Imagine your grandparent doing housework, cooking for their family, and at the end of the day humming by the fire while knitting a sweater for the neighbor in need down the street. Our seniors come from a generation of caring for each other but now more than ever, do not…
Delivering a difference…together!
Aging Ahead salutes our many community partners in this newsletter edition. By working together, we can help ensure the journey of aging is filled with honor and dignity. Help us re-imagine aging as we collectively support adults to live their best lives through services and opportunities we can create and offer together. The Northwest Way…
Making Progress in Jeff City
Over 100 dedicated volunteer advocates met in Jefferson City Oct 22-24 for the Missouri Silver Haired Legislature’s 46th annual conference. The group proposed, debated and ultimately voted on the top five issues they will focus their advocacy efforts on this next year. In addition, we also heard from several interesting presenters, including: Mike Kehoe, Lieutenant…
Community Spotlight November 2019
Aging Ahead is pleased to share information on our generous community supporters. Please check back often to learn more about them and the work they are doing to make our community a better place for all. Assistance Home Care Spend a little time with Allen Serfas and you will quickly learn why the business Allen…
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Your gift helps us support older adults in St. Louis, St. Charles, Franklin and Jefferson counties so they have opportunities to live with honor and dignity.