November SMP 2023
It is that time of year again – open enrollment for Medicare prescription drug coverage andMedicare Advantage plans. Open enrollment occurs annually from October 15 to December 7. Ifyou are on Medicare, you have an opportunity to change your Part D Prescription Drug Plan and/orAdvantage plan during this time.In order to safely navigate through changes,…
Alzheimer’s and Dementia Research Update Discussion
Join Alzheimer’s Association and Aging Ahead for a discussion on some of the latest research in the field of Alzheimer’s disease including new treatments. You will also learn more about local support services available to families and how you can help raise awareness in your community. Refreshments will be provided. When: Thursday, November 9th 11:30am-…
Aging Ahead Warming Centers
The following Aging Ahead senior centers are warming sites Monday-Friday from 9am-2pm. To find out where these centers are located and their activities and meals, please check out our Community Locations page.
SMP Fraud Fact October 2023
Adult Immunizations: Do you have your shots?This Month’s Fraud Fact is centered around immunizations. The Missouri Senior Medicare Patrolwants to remind you that vaccines can help older adults. The Centers for Disease Control recommends that adults 60 and older get the new 2023-2024 updatedCovid-19 vaccine. The seasonal flu vaccine usually is recommended as well. The…