Exciting New Volunteer Opportunity Do you enjoy meeting new people? Do you feel passionate about helping older adults access the services they need to live with honor and dignity? Please consider becoming an Aging Ahead Volunteer Ambassador! Ambassadors represent our agency at senior fairs, health fairs and community events, helping to educate the community and…
Additional Resources
Aging Ahead is pleased to share the following resources with our community and encourage you to reach out to them for more information about their services, materials, events, and/or opportunities. For nonprofit or educational institutions wishing to be included on this page, please contact
Featured Volunteer Role: Senior Medicare Patrol (SMP)
Make a resolution to impact a life by helping to fight against healthcare fraud. Many older adults are scammed by people who have earned their trust. By informing people of current scams and educating them how to protect themselves, they are less likely to become a victim. SMP volunteers may serve Medicare beneficiaries, their families,…
COVID-19 Resource Page 24
STAY SAFE. STAY UP TO DATE. Protect your health and the people you love. Vaccines are safe, effective, save millions of lives and are the best defense against many infectious diseases. If you are 65+ or have a compromised immune system, you may be more vulnerable to certain diseases, so get vaccinated today. You have the…
Make A Resolution SMP 1-24
Make a resolution to impact a life. Help us in the fight against healthcare fraud. Many people are scammed by people who earn their trust, but by helping them understand current scams and how to protect themselves, they’ll be one stepcloser to not becoming a victim. SMP projects match a volunteer’s skills and interests to…
Alzheimer’s Special Event Recording
Finding Joy in the Season – Join the Alzheimer’s Association for a virtual special event presented by Brenda Gurung. This program will be available virtually through Zoom on electronic device November 16- December 31, 2023. For families living with Alzheimer’s and other dementias, the holidays can be bittersweet and challenging. Festivities can agitate or confuse…
Your Voice Matters 2024
Established under the Older Americans Act in 1973, Aging Ahead, is one of ten Area Agencies on Aging, serving older adults and their caregivers in St Charles, St Louis, Franklin and Jefferson counties. Our mission is to support them through the journey of aging through a variety of programs and services.. We are asking for…
Beware of Medical Debt Scams SMP 12-23
If you get an unexpected call saying you owe money for medical services, be wary. Reports of phony medical bills and collection departments are on the rise. Receiving a call for a medical bill you don’t remember and needs to be paid immediately or you’ll be served has red flags written all over it. The…